Sunday, April 4, 2010

Stay Hungry (1976)

At a Giant Tiger…sorry GT Express. Wrestlemania Weekend.  I always enjoy looking at the Cheap Movies.  Some are Bad Movies. Witch you hope are bad, and Others are Hidden Gems.  I see Arnold Schwarzenegger.  I better look at this one.Stay Hungry  Also Starring  Jeff Bridges(Bonus),  and Sally Field.  Well 2 good Actors and Arnold. Also Its From 1976, this Mite Just Be Arnolds First movie.  Pumping Iron He Played Himself so That Don’t count. Lets Have a Look.  Well First of all I notice Robert Englund Squeky Voiced Little Gym Dweeb,  Apparently He’s Joe Santos’s Oil Boy…Oh Santos is Arnolds Character.  Yeah He Looks Like a Santos.  I should Mention this is Based On the Book of the same Name written By Charles Gaines.  First thing  I Notice When I put the DVD in is there's a Features Section. Not Even Special Features. Just Features.  There is a Commentary Option By the Director and Field and Bridges.  Right away I have a good Feeling about this Movie.  Both have Won  Oscars,  although Jeff’s not til Recently.  He’s Been Nominated  about 6 times.  I gotta Honestly Say I am a Jeff Bridges, Mark, or Fan.  Ever Since The Fisher King.  So For the 2 of them to actually Do a commentary Years later.  I think they Must Be Proud of this Movie.   I Guess I should Also Mention that this Movie was Nominated and Won For  2 Golden Globes.  Best Comedy Adapted from Another Medium, Both Charles Gaines and Director  Bob Rafelson, we’re Nominated.  And  the Golden Globe  goes to  Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the Category of Best Acting Debut in a Motion Picture - Male.   Wow How Bout that.  Arnold award winning actor.  The First Time We See Arnold, He’s Lifting Weights With a Cape and a mask.  He later Says Its just cause its Funny.  It is a Heart Warming Tale,  Arnold Is Very Watchable in this Movie,  and Doesn’t  Remind me  at all Of the Arnold we all make Fun of.  And Yet Here He is Playing a Bodybuilder.  His Natural Charisma, and Charm are on Fell Display.  But He Isn’t the Star. This If defiantly about Bridges and Field.  And There On-screen Chemistry is Real Apparent,  and Seems Real Authentic.  I guess I Found A Gem, Not a Lemon,  I defiantly Recommend this Movie,  To anyone Who Enjoys a Good Love Story,  and The South.

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